Amanda Lau
De aflyste navne

Tak Rock
Royal Beer
Identity design
Art direction

Created at
Soundvenue Studio

Shortlisted by Creative Circle
'Tak Rock' by Royal Beer is a support initiative for which Soundvenue Studio created the campaign 'De aflyste navne'. The campaign provided a selection of 15 aspiring rock bands and musicians a second chance during the pandemic.

I took part in the development of the campaign identity, which draws inspiration from the look of a cancelled concert being covered up with a label, and then ripping it apart to reveal and promote the artist. The ripped look channels the raw power of rock music while adding a clean, contemporary aesthetic, framing the featured artists and representing the diversity of rock music today.

I did the art direction and location scouting for the press photos of the 15 artists shot by Sebastian Apel. Additional product shots by Nicolaj Springborg.